a - z指数

可访问性 & 住宿

Northwest Missouri State University is committed 提供 students with disabilities 有平等的机会参加大学的项目、课程和活动. 第九条与股权, 可访问性 and 住宿, provides learning and living accommodations at no cost to any student who has a documented disability 根据《网上赌博网站十大排行》和《网上赌博网站十大排行》第504条的要求. 

What is Considered a Disability?

诊断出的残疾是一种严重限制“主要生活活动”的状况,比如走路, 听力, 看到, 说话, 呼吸, 或学习. 《网上赌博网站十大排行》保护:

  • Visual impairments (legally blind, progressive vision loss, etc.)
  • Deaf or hard of 听力
  • 精神/情绪健康状况(抑郁、焦虑、躁郁症、强迫症、人格障碍等).)
  • 学习障碍
  • 添加/多动症
  • Brain injuries, epilepsy
  • Autism, Asperger's Syndrome
  • Mobility (paraplegia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, etc.)
  • Other (cancer, diabetes, food allergies, etc.)

如果你有残疾,你认为有资格获得生活或学习住宿, 请填写住宿申请表并提供医疗证明文件, 或联系 ada@ahealthierphoenix.com.

How to Request an Accommodation

根据教育法第九章和平等条款提出学习或生活住宿的正式申请, 可访问性 and 住宿:

Students self-dis关闭 住宿的需要,必须填写并提交下面的可填写表格. Students must also submit separately (ada@ahealthierphoenix.com), 您的健康或咨询专业人员提供的有关您残疾的证明文件. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅文档指南中的残疾文档和要求部分.

Accommodation Application

Types of 住宿 Provided

第九条与股权, 可访问性 and 住宿 provides a range of reasonable accommodations, 包括, 但不限于: 

  • Test accommodations (examples: extended time, minimal distraction, reader)
  • Note taking assistance (computer usage or lecture recording)
  • Assistance with 听力 
  • Referrals to other services and 项目

Students with approved accommodations are eligible for early registration.

Disability Documentation and Requirements


  • A supporting letter completed by a licensed professional who is knowledgeable in the field of the student's particular disability. 
  • Include a statement of diagnosis by the medical professional you are 看到.
  • Include the length of time the licensed professional has been treating the student for the disability; the number of visits with the licensed professional may also be required.
  • Include a description of the current status of the disability.
  • Relate how the student's disability affects his/her living 或学习.
  • Recommend appropriate accommodations and state how they are remedial 致残疾.
  • Be dated and signed by the licensed professional on 公司信头 (prescriptions are not accepted). Letter must be sent in WORD or PDF format as an attachment when emailed.
  • Initial supporting documentation must be no older than one year.

第九条与股权, 无障碍设施和住宿可能会根据需要要求提供额外或更近期的文件.




Provider: 教材服务
联系: Scott Yocum, 660.562.1150


Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education:
Know Your Rights and Responsibilities

美国教育部民权办公室提供有关残疾学生权利和责任的信息, 以及高等教育机构对这些学生的责任.

This website is about college life with a disability. 它是为高中生设计的,并提供视频片段,帮助他们规划大学生活.

 未来的学生被鼓励参观网上赌博网站十大排行和第九条 & 股本: 可访问性 & 住宿(&)办公室.  可以直接通过A . b .安排与一位专业工作人员的预约&致电660-562-1873办公室或通过招生办公室-校园参观进行协调.


Temporary impairments are generally not regarded as disabilities, but conditions such as broken bones, 短期疾病和手术或医疗条件的恢复会影响学生的学业进步.

The Office of 第九条 & 股本 can provide temporary services to assist students in their academic work.  可以与一名专业工作人员预约,协调和安排所需的服务. Documentation of the medical condition may be necessary to arrange services.

If the temporary condition involves mobility issues (e.g. use of walker or crutches), 网上赌博网站十大排行不提供个人接送服务.  For more information, contact us at 660-562-1873.




The first procedure is the ADA 申诉程序 解决有关学生是否有资格获得服务和/或为学生制定的住宿计划的投诉.

The second procedure is the 可访问性 & 住宿 申诉程序 处理有关无障碍服务和/或服务实施的具体投诉 & 住宿 staff or the Office of 第九条 & 股本. Complaints should be addressed in writing or verbally to Dr. Stephanie Krauth, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs - 第九条 & 股票, skrauth@ahealthierphoenix.com or by appointment in Administration Hall 305. Appointments can be made by calling (660) 562-1476.

ADA 申诉程序

Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 申诉程序

网上赌博网站十大排行通过了一项内部申诉程序,规定对指控1973年《网上赌博网站十大排行》第503或504条禁止的任何行为的投诉进行迅速和公平的解决, 经修订(美国第29号).S.C. 794) or Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12132). 第202条, 在某种程度上, that "no individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, 项目, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity."

Complaints should be addressed to: the Office of 第九条 & 股本, 305 Administration Hall, V/ tdd (660) 562-1476, 谁被指定调查根据《网上赌博网站十大排行》和《网上赌博网站十大排行》提出的投诉.

  1. A complaint should be filed in writing or verbally, contain the name and address of the person filing it, and briefly describe the alleged violation of the regulations.  Please consider using the 熊猫 股本 Reporting Form.

  2. 投诉应在投诉人意识到被指控的违规行为后30个日历日内提出. (Special circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.)

  3. An investigation, as may be appropriate, will follow a filing of complaint. 调查将由ADA/504合规官或其指定人员进行. These rules contemplate informal but thorough investigations, affording all interested persons and their representatives, 如果有任何, an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to the complaint.

  4. 关于投诉有效性的书面决定和解决方案的说明, 如果有任何, will be issued by the Office of 第九条 & 股本 and a copy forwarded to the complainant, the appropriate campus authority, 和学生事务副主席,不迟于提交后30个日历日.

  5. The Office of 第九条 & 股本 will maintain the files and records relating to the complaints filed.

  6. 如果申诉人对决议不满意,他或她可以要求重新考虑案件. 申请必须在10个工作日内向学生事务副校长提出.

  7. 当事人寻求其他补救措施,如根据第504条或《网上赌博网站十大排行》向负责的联邦政府或机构提出申诉,不得损害当事人在本协议项下提起的申诉得到迅速和公平解决的权利. 使用这一申诉程序不是寻求其他补救办法的先决条件.

  8. 本规则将被解释为保护利害关系人的实体权利, 符合适当的正当程序标准,并确保内布拉斯加大学林肯分校遵守第504节和《网上赌博网站十大排行》及其实施条例.